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Google Chrome

  • 5.0 RATINGS
  • 62.2 M DOWNLOADS
  • 4+ AGE

About this app

  • Name Google Chrome
  • Category BROWSING
  • Price Free
  • Safety 100% Safe
  • Version 124.0.6367.113
  • Update May 08,2024

Google Chrome is, as its name suggests, Google's web browser. It is designed for Android devices, and for many it is the default browser, as it is simple, fast and has many features also available in its desktop version.

In Google Chrome, you can find the Google search system, as well as the tabbed layout and the convenience of accessing your bookmarks, elements that you can find in Google Chrome for desktop. In addition, this app incorporates specific elements to make it easier to use from an Android device, such as the possibility of switching between windows with a single finger movement.

Google Chrome offers interesting features, such as fast browsing with accelerated page downloading, private browsing in private mode, search and browsing from Omnibox, or bookmarks and open tabs synchronization between your desktop browser and your Android. That is, you will be able to send to your Android device the content you were watching on your computer just by having a Google account.

Google Chrome is one of the best alternatives in the field of mobile navigation on Android operating systems. Of course, if you use Chrome on your computer and you have an Android device, it is practically indispensable. But if this is not the case or it is not the functionality you are most interested in, it is still an excellent option for surfing the Internet. Download the Google Chrome APK here.

Reviewed by Andrés López Translated by Localization Team

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 8.0 or higher required

Frequent questions

How do I download and install Google Chrome?

To download and install Google Chrome on your Android device, simply find the latest version of the APK on the website, where you can also find previous versions of the app.

What's the latest update for Google Chrome?

The latest update for Google Chrome is available on , where the latest APK file is automatically uploaded to the catalog. You can also find all the previous versions of the app.

How do I update Google Chrome?

To update Google Chrome, all you have to do is download the latest version on , where you can also find all the previous versions of the app.

How big is Google Chrome for Android?

Google Chrome is about 120 MB, so you don't need a lot of storage space on your Android device to download and install the app.

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